Common Bug Fixes When Porting Custom Roms
IF you are planning to port a ROM for your android device, you will definitely encounter bugs along the ride. So here are some Bug fixes you can try to fix that buggy rom!
Use this on an MTK device ONLY!!!
Bootloop FIX
*Repack boot.image
RadioFM fix
Sensors not working? Replace the following
/system/etc/firmware (folder)
Bluetooth\Wifi not turning On\Off
Bluetooth FIX
Wifi FIX
/system/bin/netd -> Fix wifi hotspot
/system/lib/ -> Fix wifi /system/lib/modules/mtk_stp_wmt.ko/system/lib/modules/mtk_wmt_wifi.ko
/system/etc/wifi (folder)
/system/etc/firmware (folder)
Camera FIX
\system\lib\\system\lib\libmhalcontent.s o
\system\etc\permission\ nt.xml
\system\lib\libOmx*.so ->fix camcoder
SD card/Memory FIX
\system\etc\vold.fstab -> edit file for swap internal and external
Touch Screen(Haptic)
/system/usr\keylayout\Generic.kl ->fix HomeKey
Sim1/2 Inactive/Not working
\system\etc\permission (RIL)
Audio/Sound FIX
\system\lib\libaudio* .so